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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: mapa conceptual, 4.Don't try to memorise everything What's more Reading before writing a summary, improves the writin, by becoming more analytical and conscious, READING AND REMEMBERING ???? HOW TO RETAIN WHAT YOU HAVE READ?, 3.Cognitive strengths ???? Visual, MEMORY. HOW DO YOU REMEMBRE WHAT YOU HAVE READ? ???? 4.Don't try to memorise everything, A WORD ON SPEECH READING ???? Courses for unversity students, MEMORY. HOW DO YOU REMEMBRE WHAT YOU HAVE READ? ???? 2.Get involve by adopting "active reading", Visual ???? To create memorability in your reading, HOW TO RETAIN WHAT YOU HAVE READ? ???? 5.Never start reading without looking at the summary, READING AND REMEMBERING ???? THE PROBLEM, MEMORY. HOW DO YOU REMEMBRE WHAT YOU HAVE READ? ???? 1.ORGANISSE DISSECTED QUESTIONED REVIEW AND ASSESSED THE MATERIAL, Oral ???? To create memorability in your reading, READING AND REMEMBERING ???? A WORD ON SPEECH READING, HOW TO RETAIN WHAT YOU HAVE READ? ???? 2.Relevant information, MEMORY. HOW DO YOU REMEMBRE WHAT YOU HAVE READ? ???? 3.Cognitive strengths, Think about not taking notes ???? Try to recall, 4.Don't try to memorise everything ???? Try to recall, READING AND REMEMBERING ???? MEMORY. HOW DO YOU REMEMBRE WHAT YOU HAVE READ?, 3.Cognitive strengths ???? Systematic, 3.Cognitive strengths ???? Oral, THE PROBLEM ???? 2.To solve this problems try to follow the tips How to retain what you have read?